

好的赌博软件推荐致力于维护一个没有性骚扰的环境, 性侵犯, 以及其他形式的不当性行为. This 不正当的性行为 政策 is intended to educate students and provide an equitable means of recourse for those who believe they have been a victim of sexual misconduct. 性行为不端违反了大学的政策,也可能是非法的. The University will promptly investigate and pursue the resolution of any complaint of sexual misconduct. The University reserves the right to respond with whatever measures it deems appropriate to prevent sexual misconduct and preserve the safety and well-being of its students, 教师, 工作人员, 和游客.

为本不当性行为政策之目的, the term “sexual misconduct” means any unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature that is committed without consent or by force, 恐吓, 强迫, 或操作. 不当性行为包括, 但不限于, 性骚扰, 基于性别的骚扰, 性侵犯, 性剥削, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, 和被人跟踪. 性行为不端可以发生在同性或不同性别的人之间. Complaints of sex-based discrimination that do not involve sexual misconduct as defined above will be handled pursuant to the 歧视和骚扰申诉程序 或者是 学生问责程序,如适用.  Additional information about the University's compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities, 可在大学的 第九条网站.



如果你是不当性行为的受害者, then depending on the severity of the misconduct you should take some or all of the following actions:

  • 不要认为这是你的错: 没有人应该被虐待. 如果别人虐待或攻击你,这不是你的错. 你有选择,你可以得到帮助.
  • 寻求安全: 如果您可能仍有危险,请尽快前往安全的地方并寻求帮助.g.例如校园保安、当地执法部门或你的个人支持网络). 考虑制定个人安全计划, 申请校园保护令, 和/或获得法院签发的保护令. The University’s Office of 安全及保安 can assist with each of these items (call 206-281-2922). A campus protective order is a no-contact order that is issued and enforced by the University (e.g.,透过特别警队纪律处分程序). 非接触订单, 禁令, or similar order that would be enforceable by the police and/or courts would need to be obtained from a court of law.
  • 获得医疗: 尽快就医治疗任何伤害,并记录相关证据.
    • 你可以在医院接受性侵犯检查 港景性侵犯中心 & 创伤型压力: 206-744-1600. The Washington State Crime Victims Compensation Program (CVCP) will pay f或者是 initial 性侵犯 exam by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE).
    • 公共事业组健康服务 星期一到星期五上午9点有空.m.–12 p.m. 下午1-4:30.m. 预约电话:206-281-2231. 卫生服务部门可以协助解决大多数医疗问题, 包括怀孕和性传播疾病检测.
  • 保存证据: 尽量保存所有物证.
    • 在一般情况下, “证据”是任何有助于证明性行为不端事件发生的东西. 证据可能因事件而异. 例如, 跟踪的证据可能包括电子邮件, 文本, 或者其他不必要的交流的例子-在这种情况下, 一定要保留所有这些信息的副本. 因为性侵犯, 证据可能包括血液, 精液, 头发, 服装, 或者其他可以帮助识别肇事者的物品. SANE检查(如上所述)可以帮助你收集和保存证据.
    • 保存证据是证明刑事犯罪的重要手段, 提起民事诉讼, 或者申请保护令. It is also important to preserve evidence for use in any formal sexual misconduct proceeding at the University.
    • 保全证据的方式取决于证据的类型. 例如, 它可能采取保存电子邮件副本的形式, 截屏文本, 拍摄瘀伤照片, 或者接受性侵犯检查.
    • 证据最好立即收集,至少在事件发生后120小时内收集. 在性侵案件中, 最好在淋浴或沐浴前收集证据, 洗手或洗衣服, 换衣服或床上用品, 上厕所, 甚至不吃不喝. 即使你认为你现在不想追究刑事案件, you can have the evidence collected anonymously so you can decide later whether filing a report with police is right for you.
  • 向大学报告事件: 任何学生, 员工, or visitor who believes he or she has been the victim of sexual misconduct is encouraged to report the behavior immediately to the following individuals. 更多信息可在 大学教育法第九条网站.
    • Mr. 人力资源助理副总裁Terry Winn |代理504科协调员: (206) 281-2678; winnt@776kingston.com; on campus – 330 W. Nickerson圣.; by mail - 好的赌博软件推荐, 3307 Third Avenue West, Suite 302, 西雅图, WA 98119.
    • Ms. Cheryl Michaels,安全与安保主任| Title IX代理协调员: (206) 281-2678; michac@776kingston.com; on campus – 601 West Emerson, 西雅图, WA 98119

While University officials will seek to protect the privacy of victims as far as reasonably possible in the circumstances, individuals wishing to report an incident of sexual misconduct should note that complete confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. 根据联邦法律, 所有大学雇员(教牧顾问除外), 专业咨询师, 保健中心工作人员, and student 员工s) are required to report information disclosed to them about sexual misconduct to University administrators. 如果你想了解校园内外的机密资源, you can ask a 不正当的性行为 Report Receiver but do not share specific information about any incident you wish to keep private. 你也可以与学生咨询中心的校园心理健康顾问交谈, 或校外强奸危机资源(一起), “机密记者”). 然而, 如果对某人的健康或安全有迫在眉睫的担忧, 甚至这些个人也可能被要求披露信息. 如果大学为受害者提供住宿或保护措施, the University will seek to keep such accommodations and measures confidential to the extent reasonably possible and to the extent such confidentiality would not impair the ability of the institution to provide the accommodations or measures.

Reported incidents of sexual misconduct will generally be reflected in aggregate statistics prepared and published for purposes of the University's compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus 安全 政策 and Campus Crime Statistics Act. 但是,这些统计数据不包含个人身份信息. 除了克莱利法案的披露要求, University data about sexual misconduct generally is not subject to public recordkeeping requirements because the University is a private organization.

Students who are victims of sexual misconduct and report such incidents to the University will not be disciplined by the University for any violation of the University’s drug or alcohol possession or consumption policies in which they have engaged in connection with the reported incident, 或任何违反大学校规的行为 学生行为准则 禁止未婚学生双方同意的性行为. The University may require educational options, rather than disciplinary sanctions, in such cases.

  • 通知执法部门: 你可以选择通知执法部门. 西雅图警察局(SPD)的电话号码是911, 大学安全办公室的紧急电话是206-281-2911. 如果你决定向社民党举报, 如果你愿意,安全与安保办公室可以帮助你完成这个过程. 你也可以拒绝通知执法部门.
  • 如果你觉得有人在跟踪你:
    • 寻找跟踪行为的迹象.
    • 大多数跟踪行为不会自行结束. 早期干预至关重要,识别跟踪行为是第一步.
    • Clearly state to the stalker that you are not interested in the attention of the stalker and that you want the behavior to stop.
    • Create a log of stalking incidents, including date, time, location, and description of each event.
    • Seek support from the University’s Office of 安全及保安 in doing some or all of the actions listed above.

寻求校内和校外的支持: 找一个你可以放心的人谈谈这种情况. 建立一个支持网络,比如朋友和家人. 同时,利用校内和校外的资源,例如:

  • 校园资源:
    • 安全与安保办公室:206-281-2911(安全、安保和交通).
    • 学生咨询中心:206-281-2657(心理咨询和心理健康).
    • 学生健康服务:206-281-2231(医疗保健). 
    • 好的赌博软件推荐办公室:206-281-2481(赌博十大靠谱软件学术和校园住宿的指导).
    • 人力资源:206-281-3809(教职员工招聘).
    • 学生金融服务:206-281-2061(经济援助和学生就业).
    • 国际学生记录办公室:206-281-2550(签证/移民)
  • 校外资源:
    • 金县性侵犯24小时资源中心:888-998-6423, www.kcsarc.org. KCSARC可以协助危机应对、宣传、法律宣传和其他支持.
    • 强奸虐待和乱伦全国网络(RAINN): 800-656-HOPE, 瑞恩.org.
    • 港景性侵犯中心 & 创伤压力:206-744-1600; 部门.华盛顿.edu/hcsats.
    • 女青年会性暴力法律服务:206-832-3632; svlawcenter.org. SVLS为居住在华盛顿州的幸存者提供免费的法律代理, 同时也为幸存者提供咨询, 律师, 以及强奸危机中心的倡导者. 性侵幸存者可以给匿名者打电话, 提供法律资讯及转介的保密热线. 
    • Dove House: Dove House Advocacy Services offers a variety of services to those who are currently experiencing or have ever experienced 家庭暴力, 性侵犯或一般犯罪. 360-385-5292. 详见网站: www.dovehousejc.org.



All students are encouraged to participate in helping the University be free from sexual misconduct. If you are a student and another student tells you that he or she was the victim of sexual misconduct while at the University, you should strongly encourage the victim to speak with one of the 不正当的性行为 Report Receivers (listed above) or consider personally reporting the incident to a sexual misconduct report receiver if the victim is reluctant to do so.

如上所述, most University 员工s have an obligation to report incidents of sexual misconduct to University administrators. 对这些报告责任有疑问的大学员工应该 查阅大学的第九条网站.



有关本校政策及程序的详情,请参阅 第九条性骚扰及相关行为政策

